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Winning Position: Unresolved
Winning Position: Yes.
Winning Position: No, it helps
Tied Positions: No, current system is best vs. Yes, it makes it clearer
Winning Position: Yes, students need to know
Winning Position: Yes
Winning Position: No
Winning Position: Helping Mood?
Winning Position: Yes
Winning Position: GMO's should be labeled
Tied Positions: No vs. Yes
Winning Position: Yes
Winning Position: D. Trumps tweets are bad
Winning Position: No
Winning Position: Unresolved
Winning Position: Yes.
Winning Position: It should not be allowed
Tied Positions: No. vs. Yes.
Winning Position: Yes, it is a sport.
Tied Positions: No it should not. vs. Yes it should.
Winning Position: No, it shouldn't be required

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