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Yes, it makes it clearer No, current system is best
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Yes, it makes it clearer (1)
 No, current system is best (1)

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ehawkins(408) pic

(2022) Ranked Choice Voting is the way to go.

Yes, it makes it clearer

Side Score: 1

No, current system is best

Side Score: 1
1 point

With Ranked Choice Voting you can't waste your vote by voting for a minor party or an independent, you could make a minor party your 1st choice while making a more major party your 2nd choice.

Side: Yes, it makes it clearer
ehawkins(408) Disputed
1 point

Is voting your heart ever a wasted vote? Ranked choice just always the government to steal another election.

Side: No, current system is best
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