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Yes, people lie No, it helps
Debate Score:18
Total Votes:18
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 Yes, people lie (8)
 No, it helps (10)

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ehawkins(408) pic

(2022) Go Fund Me should be banned

Yes, people lie

Side Score: 8

No, it helps

Side Score: 10
1 point

Go Fund Me should be discontinued because it allows people to take the easy way it. If someone cannot afford a life saving operation or loads of debt from a life threatening injury, it is their fault for not being more careful and/ or not having good insurance. We should not rely on others to pay our bills.

Side: Yes, people lie
apavek(4) Disputed
1 point

Go Fund Me should not be banned. In a life-saving operation, you really don't have a choice but to have to operation and you don't think of the money, you are just thinking of what it takes to live to the next day. Others should be able to help in this situation and Go Fund Me is a great resource to do this because it is an easy way and accessible way for everyone to be able to help.

Side: No, it helps
1 point

Not only do people lie, but donators and people who spread the pages around often have no idea who the money is going to. GoFundMe takes around 3.0% of each donation by itself without adding any manual human behavior. Many parents and people will manipulate others into donating money for their dogs, children, etc. GoFundMe pages are also easily lost for those who do need it, as the most elaborate descriptions and titles easily make their way to the top. If a family, person, or animal is in need, it is easier and more honest to donate directly to the one in need.

Side: Yes, people lie
1 point

In addition to lying, donors and others who circulate the pages frequently have no notion to whom the funds are being sent. . Many parents and individuals will use deception to get others to donate money for their animals, kids, etc. GoFundMe campaigns are also simple to miss for those who actually need them, since the most ornate titles and descriptions quickly rise to the top. It is simpler and more sincere to give directly to the recipient when a family, individual, or animal is in need. Because Go Fund Me enables individuals to choose the convenient route, it ought to be terminated.

Side: Yes, people lie
1 point

Yes, people lie about their go fund me page, because they could lie about their health, and everyone will fall into the trap. the people that give them money will probably get scammed. The people that get the money will probably not use it as their go fund me page.

Side: Yes, people lie
23elunde(5) Disputed
1 point

You don't have to support that person if you don't want to. Some people are really in need and people know about it. People's families can be well known around a community and others will want to help.

Side: No, it helps
Isaac_Hamann(3) Disputed
1 point

Even if there are people that lie about their Go fund me page, nobody is forced to donate to them. Where it does affect the actual people that are in need by taking it away.

Side: No, it helps
1 point

I think Go Fund Me should not be banned. It has helped so many families and people who are struggling with medical bills, or just need some support. You shouldn't ban Go Fund Me, because it takes away one of the many ways you can ask for help from friends and family.

Side: No, it helps
EshetuisRT(4) Disputed
1 point

Honestly you need help from people on GoFundMe you are an L person. L people shouldn't exist in my world. In my world people should have enough money buy house and you asking for money is LAME!!!!

Side: Yes, people lie
1 point

It can help families in need. some people can't afford something and this is an easy way to help a person if they can't support themselves. Not everyone has to pay if they don't want to. It can also be a way to help donate to charities

Side: No, it helps
jbenning(3) Disputed
1 point

These fundraisers are made with good intentions and can help many people through a hard time. However, the fundraisers can also be lies, and in that case are just as bad as all the spam calls that can rob people of their money. Just as in the case of spam calls, older people can be the easier victim because a lot of them like to be helpful. That is not saying that they are the only ones that are victims in this case, it can also hurt younger people who are just trying to do something good.

Side: Yes, people lie
1 point

Go fund me should not be banned because it can help people in many ways. It can help people struggling financially, in ways like medical bills, or if they are in a bad chapter of their life. The majority of causes on go fund me are legit.

Side: No, it helps
PaytonBreuer(4) Disputed
1 point

There are many different ways to raise money in an honorable way. You could have a fundraiser in your community, start saving money, take a loan out, or maybe even talk to your family members about the situation for help. A lot of people have the opportunity to lie over Go Fund Me for money.

Side: Yes, people lie
1 point

I don't think GoFundMe should be banned. It has helped many families in need when they are unable to support themselves after a life crisis. By taking it away a family could potentially lose everything because they could not pay for a hospital bill or a funeral after a tragic incident happened.

Side: No, it helps
TysonBarthel(3) Disputed
1 point

People could lie to get money from people who feel bad about the thing they lied about.

Side: Yes, people lie
1 point

Go fund me should not be banned because it can help people in many ways. It can help people struggling financially, in ways like medical bills, or if they are in a bad chapter of their life. The majority of causes on go fund me are legit.

Side: No, it helps
1 point

Go Fund Me should not be banned because some life scenarios just can't be predicted. Situations like a young child getting diagnosed with cancer bring in a lot of unprecedented hospital bills. Support from generous community members to a Go Fund Me page is a great way to support people and families in need.

Side: No, it helps
1 point

Just because there are fraudulent gofundme pages does not mean that it should be banned. if anything gofundme should be better funded, as then it gives them the opportunity to implement ways to tell the real ones from the fake.

Side: No, it helps