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RSS Jbenning

Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

These fundraisers are made with good intentions and can help many people through a hard time. However, the fundraisers can also be lies, and in that case are just as bad as all the spam calls that can rob people of their money. Just as in the case of spam calls, older people can be the easier victim because a lot of them like to be helpful. That is not saying that they are the only ones that are victims in this case, it can also hurt younger people who are just trying to do something good.

1 point

I think that there should be a life skills class in high school to teach students how to do things once they graduate. Many of us don't know how to pay the bills, and parents don't always have very much time to teach us. Some people lack everyday life skills like how to do laundry or make a healthy meal. Or maybe how to do an oil change in some cases. These are things that we all deal with and some people don't know how to do.

1 point

I believe that technology has harmed education. There are several different factors that contribute to this belief. One factor is that technology has become a distraction. One is supposed to use technology for education but it often becomes a distraction. Maybe someone gets distracted on a social app during the time frame that they were supposed to complete a math assignment. Another factor is that we aren't required to do as much ourselves. For example, we don't usually count money or do the math in our heads, so when we do, we tend to be slow compared to someone who grew up without technology.

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