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Yes, students need to know No, parents should teach it
Debate Score:33
Total Votes:34
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 Yes, students need to know (19)
 No, parents should teach it (11)

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ehawkins(408) pic

(2022) Should there be a life skills class in high school?

Yes, students need to know

Side Score: 22

No, parents should teach it

Side Score: 11
2 points

Yes, because some students parents want them to figure stuff out by themselves. Having classes will help student learn skills without having to ask their parents. They can join classes that they are interested in learning those skills.

Side: Yes, students need to know
ehawkins(408) Disputed
1 point

What "stuff" should they learn? it's a big ask of the public education system to teach students everything. Where does it end?

Side: No, parents should teach it
1 point

Not everyone has parents at home or maybe the person's parents don't have time for them. it should at least be an elective. The class could help prepare some students for their future with going to college or living by themselves. This class would be a very helpful class for people who never got a chance to learn it at home.

Side: Yes, students need to know
maddie_7(3) Disputed
1 point

I disagree because the only way to learn life skills is to live. Just because your parents don’t baby you through life, doesn’t mean it should fall on your school to teach you. There’s much more important things to learn with your precious time at school such as the quadratic formula and the Krebs cycle. Taxes are just something you do, it’s not that deep.

Side: No, parents should teach it
23estroeing(4) Disputed
1 point

Whether or not a student has a supportive family at home, they should still care enough about learning life skills to take it upon themselves. Seek guidance from another trusted adult, or when in doubt, YouTube it. :)

Side: No, parents should teach it
1 point

I believe that we need a life skills class in high school. People may believe that, that's a parents job to teach their kids those valuable lessons. What about the parents who...really aren't parents? There are parents who aren't there for children, they don't want anything to do with them. How is that child supposed to get help or advice? Yes, there are school counselors and teachers, but they are busy, they have their own lives too. It would save a lot of time and energy out of teachers and staff to have a class dedicated towards valuable life lessons. Not all kids have good support systems, and most of the time will not reach out for help or advice. We need a class that is required to help these kids.

Side: Yes, students need to know
ehawkins(408) Disputed
1 point

So, it's the school's problem when parents don't parent? Where does it end then? What "life lessons" are the most important to learn? Who is the arbiter of that? Is this supposed to be in a regular class, or is the school supposed to pay more money?

Side: No, parents should teach it
1 point

A life skills class would help tremendously with a person's future. Not everyone has the resources at home to learn how to do certain life skills. Let's say nobody taught a kid how to do laundry. It is a necessity to be able to clean your clothes. Cleaning dishes is another one, if someone doesn't ever learn how to do these things they could struggle in life.

Side: Yes, students need to know
ehawkins(408) Disputed
1 point

When is self discipline and responsibility part of life? Is it always someone else's fault when you don't know how to do sometthing?

Side: No, parents should teach it
23elunde(5) Disputed
1 point

you could easily look it up on youtube. lolllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

Side: No, parents should teach it
1 point

i would say yes because not everyone has the opportunity to learn from their parent/legal guardian, everyone's situation is different So, yes their should at least have the option to take a class like this. I wouldn't say it necessarily should be required but be an option for those who don't have the opportunity at home.

Side: Yes, students need to know
1 point

I think we need to learn more than just the books in high school. Many students live on their own or away from their parents after high school. Preparing us to live in the real world will create more independent adults. Many simple life skills aren't so simple for some people. When I got a flat tire on the interstate, knowing how to change my tire might've made the turn around a little faster and less stressful.

Side: Yes, students need to know
1 point

Yes absolutely, because people are very very stupid. Many parents do not even have any idea of all of the financial, career, and life opportunities that are or have been available to them. I am stupid, and cannot do taxes. This is something that many people would have to learn in a class, instead of parents, legal guardians, or adults just spewing crap into the void and hoping they hit a toilet somewhere. I don’t wish to go to federal prison just because I am not very clever and have minimal life skills. There will be other reasons, if the day were to ever come. Going to prison over forgetting a 0 in my tax files would be so embarrassing.

Side: Yes, students need to know
ehawkins(408) Disputed
1 point

Which classes are getting cut in order to teach the "stupid" people. Are we getting rid of Calc or college-level classes? What goes first because schools aren't getting more money, or in order to add these things, something has to go. What will it be? Sports? Activities?

Side: No, parents should teach it
1 point

Students should learn life skills in school. Life skills are crucial when living in society, and parents can’t always teach life skills. It’s nice to learn life skills from someone other than family. Also, I’m lacking in life skills. :(

Side: Yes, students need to know
1 point

I agree that there should be life skills classes in high school. As much as parents should be teaching their kids, there are some parents that don't know life skills themselves. A class with the fundamentals will help for students to be able to retain information from life that they will actually need. Unless you aren't going into math or education you won't need to know proof.

Side: Yes, students need to know
1 point

I think there should be a life skills class in high school. Many students may not have someone that can teach them how to fill out taxes, or even write a check. This class doesn't need to be required but it should be offered to everyone. It's a great way to make students prepare for their life after high school. It is one class you may actually learn something from.

Side: Yes, students need to know
1 point

Yes, I agree that there should be a life skills class in high school. High school kids have a lot to stress about, and we're still pretty dumb at this age. We should be taught what we are going to have to know once we graduate high school, like how to do taxes, how to get healthcare, what credit scores mean, etc.

Side: Yes, students need to know
ehawkins(408) Disputed
1 point

Where does this notion of life skills end? If students are "pretty dumb", are teachers going to be teaching how to brush teeth or put on socks? Is there an end in sight if schools much teach all life skills. Also, when does it come down to the person learning how to do something on their own?

Side: No, parents should teach it
1 point

I support this argument. There is enough to worry about in high school life skills should not be one of them.

Side: Yes, students need to know
1 point

Schools should have life skill classes. Life skill classes are important to have because not every student has a family who can teach them the basics. It is good for everyone to know the basics and if students don't have families to teach them they're going to have a hard time catching up with their peers. Life skills classes are also good to have in school because, while some students already know the skills, they might want to grow in those areas like sewing, cooking, and doing laundry, maybe even taxes or personal finances.

Side: Yes, students need to know
1 point

I think that there should be a life skills class in high school to teach students how to do things once they graduate. Many of us don't know how to pay the bills, and parents don't always have very much time to teach us. Some people lack everyday life skills like how to do laundry or make a healthy meal. Or maybe how to do an oil change in some cases. These are things that we all deal with and some people don't know how to do.

Side: Yes, students need to know
1 point

I believe that life skills should be taught in high school. Some parents do not teach their kids life skills, or they do not teach them enough. Life skills can help students in the long run, and as they are starting a new part of their life and becoming more independent.

Side: Yes, students need to know
1 point

Parents should teach their kids life skills. They have lived for 30-45 years on this earth that should be enough time for them to learn skills. Failing as a parent honestly is kinda like the worst thing you can do. And if you don't have skills or kids then your opinion doesn't matter honestly.

Side: No, parents should teach it
ehawkins(408) Disputed
2 points

Failing as a parent is one thing but expecting the school to go beyond teaching equations and grammar is another. Putting life applicable lessons together is something all teachers should strive for. Students won't remember the color of the light at the end of Gatsby's dock if they don't connect it to something bigger.

Side: Yes, students need to know
bleeseberg(3) Disputed
1 point

There are so many kids whose parents work so much they don't have time to teach their kids these life skills. Having a life skills class gives everyone the opportunity to learn these skills even if they have sucky parents who have failed at parenting.

Side: Yes, students need to know
1 point

There should not be a life skills class in high school because students need to learn how to take their own initiative. Skills like filing taxes and changing tires are important enough life lessons that one should take it upon themselves to learn. Young people shouldn't rely on the public education system to spoon feed them when it comes to all aspects of life.

Side: No, parents should teach it
Lilyissocool(3) Disputed
1 point

Yes, I absolutely agree that life skills should be self taught in some instances by the own student’s initiative. However, if you were never taught how to walk, you’d simply crawl around in your own urine and feces like a stinky little monkey. I may be stupid, but I don’t want to wander into the real adult life as a dumb little poop ape.

Side: Yes, students need to know
23landerson(3) Disputed
1 point

I disagree, students should be taught some basics about living independently.

Side: Yes, students need to know
1 point

No I don't think life skills should be taught in school. Classes and time in high school should not be used for life skill classes because life skills are something anyone can teach. You are wasting time at school by teaching life skills because this time should used for teachers that can teach subjects that your parents, for example, can not teach. It is also impossible to learn all life skills in school. The best way to learn life skills is by living it and through experiences and failures. This is something that teachers can not teach through theory at school.

Side: No, parents should teach it