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RSS Evan_kel

Reward Points:12
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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

As Americans we have the freedom of speech which means if we have bad things to express about our country we are able to. Burning the flag means nothing more than expressing our dislike for the way things are in the country. It's not hurting others.

1 point

GMO's should be labeled on all foods and advertised. I along with others would like to what we are putting into our bodies. We should have the decision if we want to buy GMO foods and the right to know which foods they are.

1 point

Cheerleading is a sport, because they have to practice and put in a lot of hard work. Anything that you compete in, should be considered a sport.

1 point

Donald Trumps tweets are very unprofessional and most times abusive. He doesn't inform people so much as he stirs the pot.

1 point

School should start later in the morning around 9:30. There has been studies shown that our developing brains aren't fully functional early in the morning. Kids also have lots of stuff after school which causes them to go to bed later and then they have to wake up early in the morning and don't get a proper nights sleep.

1 point

I think the minimum age for renting a hotel room should be 18. If you are old enough to gamble, buy cigarettes, and fight for your country, and vote, you should be able to rent your own hotel room. At 18 you are legally an adult. If the hotel room renting age is 21 then raise the age of going into the military to 21 and the voting age to 21.

1 point has more information about how safe and effective vaccines can be. In addition, there are financial aides out there to help with funeral costs to answer your question, but your child will not die from vaccines. Doctors have pamphlets and sheets that tell you all the ingredients in the said vaccines and you can always ask questions. Physically shots are pretty painless compared to kids being in sports.

1 point

Vaccines should, by law, be required. Not only is it important to the welfare of the child, but it's important to the welfare of the other children that child interacts with. Some children can't have vaccines due to medical issues and some children are too young yet to have vaccines. A child that doesn't get a vaccine and contracts one of the diseases can spread it to the other children and those children can bring it home to their too young siblings causing them to become super ill and possibly die. In addition, if a child is allergic to the vaccines or can't for other medical reasons could die if a well child with parents who aren't educated enough don't get their child vaccinated and infect other children.

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