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Debate Score:27
Total Votes:28
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ehawkins(408) pic

(2022) Internet/technology has harmed education.


Side Score: 15


Side Score: 12
1 point

With new technology, students can look up almost any homework assignment/test and copy that. What are we really learning? We're just becoming really good at cheating.

Side: Yes.
ehawkins(408) Disputed
1 point

What technology do you mean? A hundred years ago the pencil was technology. Shouldn't the teachers be creating their own assignments that don't allow students to cheat? What are teachers teaching if their students can just find everything online.

Side: No
madisonann(3) Disputed
1 point

In many classes, processes need to be learned and not just memorizing vocab or equations. Most assignments can't be looked up because they are too specific, opinionated, or require explanations in your own words. So even if students do go online for answers, they won't always get the answers they need. Also, students can use the internet to help them and learn something from if their teacher isn't doing their job.

Side: No
1 point

Yes, because when people just stare at screens it sometimes slows down their ability to think and sometimes make their own decisions. i say this because why would you have to make decision if the internet would just do it for you which then also ties in with slowing down our common sense. Our brains don't fully develop until in our twenties, so having the screen in front of our face all day or most of the day does harm.

Side: Yes.
ehawkins(408) Disputed
1 point

Don't people stare at screens for their jobs? So, are you arguing that air traffic controllers are slowing down in their abilities to do their job because they are staring at screens? What common sense does the internet slow down? Doesn't it teach you to search and find rather than just be a memorization machine?

Side: No
1 point

I think covid really stepped up the technology for teaching. Many people can take college classes around the country straight from their home. zoom meetings helped connect with students when they weren't able to go to school.

Side: Yes.
ehawkins(408) Disputed
1 point

Yes, you can take classes from your home, but you can also cheat at home too. How do you know who is doing what? Zoom was useful when people couldn't get together. If people can be together, why do we need it now? Also, if technology is better than the classroom, what is the need for school?

Side: No
PaytonBreuer(4) Disputed
1 point

Sounds like you think the internet or technology has not harmed education. Which side are you on?

Side: No
1 point

I believe that technology has harmed education more than it has benefited. Technology tends to be a distraction when presented to kids. Things like social media have made it harder to focus especially while in school. Technology also gives way of being able to cheat; for some classes access on the internet makes it easy to just look up answers instead of doing the actual work.

Side: Yes.
ehawkins(408) Disputed
1 point

If teachers are teaching things that can be easily accessible online then what are they really teaching? Critical thinking cannot be copy and pasted. Isn't that more important than being able regurgitate random facts?

Side: No
apavek(4) Disputed
1 point

Technology has helped education. Just think, this technology that we are using right now to discuss this topic is helping us. We would not be able to argue as affectly without this. As for cheating, students have always cheated regardless of technology advancements.

Side: No
1 point

Yes, I think internet/technology has harmed education. With the internet being so easily accessible, students do not know how to think for themselves. They can just google or search what they do not know. Internet has also harmed students by them not knowing how to solve problems. Students do not know how to think and be stuck on a problem. They now have the ability to look up any answers.

Side: Yes.
1 point

Technology has hindered our education by making us lazy. When our parents were in school they had to spend hours looking for their answers, which helped them retain their knowledge long term. Now all we do is look up the question, write down the answer, and move on. We don't have to think about what we are writing down onto our paper or really even what we are looking up. Technology has hindered our education because we don't have to put as much time and brainpower into our assignments.

Side: Yes.
EshetuisRT(4) Disputed
1 point

Honestly making us lazy is a good thing to give a smart person a job. They will think about for 10 minutes and then do it. But give a lazy person they won't do for an hour but finish it in five minutes when it needs turned in 3 minutes.

Side: No
1 point

Technology has hindered our education by making us lazy. When our parents were in school they had to spend hours looking for their answers, which helped them retain their knowledge long term. Now all we do is look up the question, write down the answer, and move on. We don't have to think about what we are writing down onto our paper or really even what we are looking up. Technology has hindered our education because we don't have to put as much time and brainpower into our assignments.

Side: Yes.
1 point

I believe that technology has harmed education. There are several different factors that contribute to this belief. One factor is that technology has become a distraction. One is supposed to use technology for education but it often becomes a distraction. Maybe someone gets distracted on a social app during the time frame that they were supposed to complete a math assignment. Another factor is that we aren't required to do as much ourselves. For example, we don't usually count money or do the math in our heads, so when we do, we tend to be slow compared to someone who grew up without technology.

Side: Yes.
1 point

Because Students will look up their homework, or the test. they'll cheat, and they wont learn anything. The teachers will look on the internet for their homework, or tests. instead of making their own homework, or tests.

Side: Yes.
1 point

Technology has done harm to education. It’s much easier to cheat or be misinformed with technology.

Side: Yes.
1 point

I think technology has helped education. It has made information and research more accessible and easy to find. Students used to have to gather any or all information through books at the library, now we can look up anything wherever and whenever using the internet. Also, the technology used in communication nowadays has made it easier to connect with teachers, other peers, etc. The internet has connected the education community as a whole.

Side: No
1 point

Internet/technology has not harmed education. It has helped shape this generation, by giving students a quick responsive source for any question they may have. For example technology has saved students hand cramps from having to write essays, to having the option to type one up.

Side: No
emoniholmes(3) Disputed
1 point

well, yes it has helped, but it's done way more harm. Has it HELPED shape our generation? do you see this generation now? Our generation has spent a lots of hours on technology on their phone or computer, it ultimately slows down their ability to make decisions sometimes, because if the internet could make decisions for you why would you need to. so why have technology at school if we already spend most of the day looking at our phone.

Side: Yes.
1 point

The internet and online services have helped education. If anything, we should increase technology’s involvement in schools. In five to ten years, we should be completely teacherless, providing more efficiency. If students can learn from AI robots or computer programs, it allows for more people to be employed other places by taking away the need for teaching jobs.

Side: No
kmeeks(3) Disputed
1 point

If every job was taken by the internet or a robot we would have no jobs. The world would eventually be taken over by robots.

Side: Yes.
23estroeing(4) Disputed
1 point

Who is going to be taking students to recess and Phy-Ed? How will you ensure middle schoolers don't cut each others heads off? You're just going to have a bunch of teenagers in a school unsupervised all day? Modern computer technology advancements are going too far. There will be no consequences for actions if this is how the public education system plays out.

Side: Yes.
ehawkins(408) Disputed
1 point

You bring up a good point, AI has brought a lot to our community. In your ideal future, are we also replacing doctors with technology? Where does this end because to learn most things, it required education. Is everything supposed to be self-driven learning? Who grades? It is going to be self-graded as well? If so, will be have lawyers who passed the bar because "they deserve it"?

Side: Yes.
1 point

Technology has made it easier to contact teachers. It has also made it easier to turn in homework when you are not in class. You can do homework and assignments on the internet without having to waste paper. If you mess up on a paper you can clear it and start a new one. On paper you'll be waisting a whole piece of paper.

Side: No
ehawkins(408) Disputed
1 point

You're not wrong. It does make it easier to turn things it, but is the act of returning an assignment learning?

Side: Yes.