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Yes, it is a sport. No, it's an activity.
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Yes, it is a sport. (3)

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Alex18(12) pic

Is Cheerleading a Sport?

Yes, it is a sport.

Side Score: 3

No, it's an activity.

Side Score: 0
1 point

I think it is a sport in the justice that they put in just enough time and effort into their cheers as a player does for any sport. They go out of their way to do their stunts, and stand in any type of weather in order to cheer correctly.

Side: Yes, it is a sport.
1 point

Cheerleading is a sport, because they have to practice and put in a lot of hard work. Anything that you compete in, should be considered a sport.

Side: Yes, it is a sport.
1 point

Cheerleading is a sport. The cheerleaders are throwing people in the air and catching them. It takes a lot of practice to be able to get them in the air. Once you get them up there you have to have a lot more practice on getting them down. Cheerleading isn't just about the cheers.

Side: Yes, it is a sport.
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