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Debate Score:4
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Kirstan16(12) pic

Should colleges provide textbooks to their students for free?

The average cost of tuition for college in the United States is about $10,000 per year for in-state residents. Around $1,200 of that cost is spent just on textbooks, which can change yearly. Are we already spending too much money on college?


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 2
1 point

I believe that the school you plan on spending many thousands of dollars should provide the textbooks. Adults in college will find loopholes in order to save more money. The school would receive higher grades if they provide more updated books. Students would try and find resources in cheaper books, even if they are outdated and do not have the correct information for the students to learn properly. College is expensive, but you are there to learn and absorb the information they give you; including textbooks.

Side: Yes

College students are already paying thousands and thousands of dollars to the schools and are super broke. Why would we have to pay hundreds of dollars for a book when we already have probably negative dollars?

Side: Yes
1 point

College students should not have books provided for free because if they purchase a book for a class they will feel invested, and therefore be motivated to go to class and do well.

Side: No
1 point

I do not think textbooks should be provided for free. It is a lot of work on the institute's part to collect the correct number and type of books for each class it offers. The money the college uses to buy textbooks would most likely come in a form of higher tuition costs, anyway. Students are able to find books for fairly cheap through various websites.

Side: No