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This personal waterfall shows you all of Ehawkins's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Which classes are getting cut in order to teach the "stupid" people. Are we getting rid of Calc or college-level classes? What goes first because schools aren't getting more money, or in order to add these things, something has to go. What will it be? Sports? Activities?

1 point

Where does this notion of life skills end? If students are "pretty dumb", are teachers going to be teaching how to brush teeth or put on socks? Is there an end in sight if schools much teach all life skills. Also, when does it come down to the person learning how to do something on their own?

1 point

You're not wrong. It does make it easier to turn things it, but is the act of returning an assignment learning?

1 point

You bring up a good point, AI has brought a lot to our community. In your ideal future, are we also replacing doctors with technology? Where does this end because to learn most things, it required education. Is everything supposed to be self-driven learning? Who grades? It is going to be self-graded as well? If so, will be have lawyers who passed the bar because "they deserve it"?

1 point

Is voting your heart ever a wasted vote? Ranked choice just always the government to steal another election.

1 point

When is self discipline and responsibility part of life? Is it always someone else's fault when you don't know how to do sometthing?

1 point

So, it's the school's problem when parents don't parent? Where does it end then? What "life lessons" are the most important to learn? Who is the arbiter of that? Is this supposed to be in a regular class, or is the school supposed to pay more money?

1 point

What "stuff" should they learn? it's a big ask of the public education system to teach students everything. Where does it end?

2 points

Failing as a parent is one thing but expecting the school to go beyond teaching equations and grammar is another. Putting life applicable lessons together is something all teachers should strive for. Students won't remember the color of the light at the end of Gatsby's dock if they don't connect it to something bigger.

1 point

If teachers are teaching things that can be easily accessible online then what are they really teaching? Critical thinking cannot be copy and pasted. Isn't that more important than being able regurgitate random facts?

1 point

Yes, you can take classes from your home, but you can also cheat at home too. How do you know who is doing what? Zoom was useful when people couldn't get together. If people can be together, why do we need it now? Also, if technology is better than the classroom, what is the need for school?

1 point

Don't people stare at screens for their jobs? So, are you arguing that air traffic controllers are slowing down in their abilities to do their job because they are staring at screens? What common sense does the internet slow down? Doesn't it teach you to search and find rather than just be a memorization machine?

1 point

What technology do you mean? A hundred years ago the pencil was technology. Shouldn't the teachers be creating their own assignments that don't allow students to cheat? What are teachers teaching if their students can just find everything online.

1 point

It's a piece of fabric. You cannot tell people how to view a piece of cloth. Symbolically it can represent that to certain people, but for many people the American flag is a symbol of oppression. SO, if it is that for many people, shouldn't more people be burning it?

1 point

Destroying someone else's property is illegal. Expressing your own opinion should never be illegal. If we start stopping our rights to say what we think, we may as well just stop voting.

1 point

Many people don't like each other. Should we just allow violence?

1 point

People have the right to say what they want. They don't have to say "under God". Just because we have turned into a sensitive country where people don't want to hear what they don't like, it doesn't mean that we have to change everything. What happens when people don't like the word America in the pledge, should we take that out too?

1 point

What's wrong with tradition? God means many things to many different people, so the tradition of saying under God is stronger than the just christianity.

1 point

Churches have so much money that if they started to pay taxes, it would do more good than if they kept the money in their own coffers. This money allowed the catholic church to pay off people when priests were accused of sexual molestation, which kept it going on for decades.

1 point

This is much bigger than the flu shot. People are spreading lies about autism and vaccines. People need to think about more than themselves when they are considering vaccinating. That's what happened in the 50s, which is why no one is in a wheelchair due to polio.

1 point

Choices are a great thing. What if I don't have the choice to get a vaccine? Some people are allergic to it, and if you don't want it put in your body and you get an illness, you give it to me. Why should I have to pay for another's selfishness?

1 point

The study connecting autism to vaccines has been disproven, and the man who "wrote" it was stripped of his medical license.

1 point

Parents have been proven to make bad decisions for children. There are crack-addicted babies, so those parents made the decision to put that chemical in their child's body. It was their choice. So, in your eyes, is it okay?

1 point

So, you think that a side effect is a bigger reason that the eradication of an entire disease? If President Roosevelt could have stood up and said, "Please give me a vaccine for polio. I don't want to be in this wheel chair," I bet he would have.

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