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This personal waterfall shows you all of Ehawkins's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

You do have the right about what you put in your body. However, don't other people have the right not to be killed because of what you decided NOT to put in your body. I don't want smoke blown in my face since I am not a smoker.

1 point

So it is okay to skip something because it is time consuming? I guess we should just get rid of school. It is really hard to make sure students attend class. School isn't always helpful to everyone. I think we should just stop educating our children and let them run around in the grass.

1 point

People also have the choice to join the KKK. Some choices are stupid and wrong.

1 point

The odds are also low that you will get hit by a car, but you don't walk down the middle of the street, do you? You do things to avoid dangers. You don't run head first toward the thing that might kill you because it may cause some irritation.

1 point

Yes, vaccines have "cured" those things, but we are no vaccinating for everything. They are making parents feel like horrible creatures for questioning one of the biggest corporations in the world. They are in this to make money. I want actual proof that all the other vaccines are doing more than lining the pockets of Big Pharma.

1 point

So, I should be okay with the insurance paying the whole cost to cause illness and problems in my child's life? No thank you. I would rather have to pay to keep these harmful products out of my child's life. Why should the government get to decide how I raise my kid?

1 point

There are proven side effects to vaccinations. Who is going to pay for the funeral of my children when he or she dies from these unproven "medications". Big Phrama has doctors in their pockets, and there are too many vaccines out there. I don't want my child to be a pin cushion.

1 point

So, I should get vaccinated for other people? What about my own personal rights about what I put into my body? Aren't you basically trying to take away my right to do what I want with my own body?

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