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RSS 18mevans

Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

I meant it like someone who's life could be threatened from a common cold , they would be able to live their life, but they would have to be so careful that when they were to leave their house, thy would have to be so protective that it wouldn't matter if there were to walk past someone with a disease, it wouldn't affect them. As for your cancer patient thought, cancer doesn't effect the immune system, it is just uncontrolled growth and division of cells

1 point

By that logic, the flag of the Islamic State is offensive to most people, but if someone were to burn it, it woukdn't be categorized as freedom of speech, it would be categorized as a hate crime. So why should burning the American flag be ny different.

1 point

If someone's immune system is so weak that thy can't handle a dead disease, then they physically wouldn't be fit for everyday life. This isn't saying that they should be eradicated or anything, it's just that there are so many germs and diseases in the world, carried by people or not, that they would be unable to leave their germ free zone.

1 point

The separation of church and state was so that religion wouldn't effect politics. It has nothing to do with taxes because taxes don't persuade a decision one way or another, it just forces them to pay for benefits that they already receive.

1 point

It doesn't matter what other people have for immune system strength if you don't get sick. Simply put, if someone is completely healthy, there is nothing bad to be transmitted. Anyways, if someone doesn't want to get sick, they should get vaccinated themselves so in wouldn't matter.

1 point

The first amendment gives all citizens the right to free speech, but this is being used on topics that have nothing to do with free speech. One being burning the American flag. The American flag symbolizes freedom and democracy which is why people have made the argument that burning the flag is speech, but that is not the case. The freedom of speech was given so that people could voice their opinions without being tried and convicted for treason, which has nothing to do with the American flag. This because the flag is a symbol of the entire nation, not just certain topics, and should be treated and therefore protected as such.

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