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Maddie_7's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Maddie_7's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The internet and online services have helped education. If anything, we should increase technology’s involvement in schools. In five to ten years, we should be completely teacherless, providing more efficiency. If students can learn from AI robots or computer programs, it allows for more people to be employed other places by taking away the need for teaching jobs.

1 point

I disagree because the only way to learn life skills is to live. Just because your parents don’t baby you through life, doesn’t mean it should fall on your school to teach you. There’s much more important things to learn with your precious time at school such as the quadratic formula and the Krebs cycle. Taxes are just something you do, it’s not that deep.

1 point

Go Fund Me should be discontinued because it allows people to take the easy way it. If someone cannot afford a life saving operation or loads of debt from a life threatening injury, it is their fault for not being more careful and/ or not having good insurance. We should not rely on others to pay our bills.

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