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This personal waterfall shows you all of Apavek's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Go Fund Me should not be banned. In a life-saving operation, you really don't have a choice but to have to operation and you don't think of the money, you are just thinking of what it takes to live to the next day. Others should be able to help in this situation and Go Fund Me is a great resource to do this because it is an easy way and accessible way for everyone to be able to help.

1 point

Technology has helped education. Just think, this technology that we are using right now to discuss this topic is helping us. We would not be able to argue as affectly without this. As for cheating, students have always cheated regardless of technology advancements.

1 point

No I don't think life skills should be taught in school. Classes and time in high school should not be used for life skill classes because life skills are something anyone can teach. You are wasting time at school by teaching life skills because this time should used for teachers that can teach subjects that your parents, for example, can not teach. It is also impossible to learn all life skills in school. The best way to learn life skills is by living it and through experiences and failures. This is something that teachers can not teach through theory at school.

1 point

Yes, I think internet/technology has harmed education. With the internet being so easily accessible, students do not know how to think for themselves. They can just google or search what they do not know. Internet has also harmed students by them not knowing how to solve problems. Students do not know how to think and be stuck on a problem. They now have the ability to look up any answers.

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