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23estroeing's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 23estroeing's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Go Fund Me should not be banned because some life scenarios just can't be predicted. Situations like a young child getting diagnosed with cancer bring in a lot of unprecedented hospital bills. Support from generous community members to a Go Fund Me page is a great way to support people and families in need.

1 point

Who is going to be taking students to recess and Phy-Ed? How will you ensure middle schoolers don't cut each others heads off? You're just going to have a bunch of teenagers in a school unsupervised all day? Modern computer technology advancements are going too far. There will be no consequences for actions if this is how the public education system plays out.

1 point

Whether or not a student has a supportive family at home, they should still care enough about learning life skills to take it upon themselves. Seek guidance from another trusted adult, or when in doubt, YouTube it. :)

1 point

There should not be a life skills class in high school because students need to learn how to take their own initiative. Skills like filing taxes and changing tires are important enough life lessons that one should take it upon themselves to learn. Young people shouldn't rely on the public education system to spoon feed them when it comes to all aspects of life.

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