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18kschmidt's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 18kschmidt's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Nothing about a 50-year old man talking about his issues on social media is cool. The idea that he thinks he cannot get his point across like a normal President and talk to us about issues dealing with his country instead of his Cheeto skin.

1 point

I think it is a sport in the justice that they put in just enough time and effort into their cheers as a player does for any sport. They go out of their way to do their stunts, and stand in any type of weather in order to cheer correctly.

1 point

I believe that the school you plan on spending many thousands of dollars should provide the textbooks. Adults in college will find loopholes in order to save more money. The school would receive higher grades if they provide more updated books. Students would try and find resources in cheaper books, even if they are outdated and do not have the correct information for the students to learn properly. College is expensive, but you are there to learn and absorb the information they give you; including textbooks.

1 point

"Under God" is considered a religious statement and as the Constitution states we have the freedom of religion, so even if you don't have a religion that is deemed acceptable. Having this statement restricts those people because if they do not believe in that specific religion, then they feel attacked into having to say "Under God" because it is in their pledge. Not saying "Under God" is not telling the country that they hate pledging to their country it is saying they do not believe in that certain religion. They believe in their country; they just do not believe necessarily in God.

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