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Kmeeks's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Kmeeks's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

If every job was taken by the internet or a robot we would have no jobs. The world would eventually be taken over by robots.

1 point

I agree that there should be life skills classes in high school. As much as parents should be teaching their kids, there are some parents that don't know life skills themselves. A class with the fundamentals will help for students to be able to retain information from life that they will actually need. Unless you aren't going into math or education you won't need to know proof.

1 point

I believe that technology has harmed education more than it has benefited. Technology tends to be a distraction when presented to kids. Things like social media have made it harder to focus especially while in school. Technology also gives way of being able to cheat; for some classes access on the internet makes it easy to just look up answers instead of doing the actual work.

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