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Briyglesias's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Briyglesias's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I support this argument. There is enough to worry about in high school life skills should not be one of them.

1 point

I believe that life skills should be taught in high school. Some parents do not teach their kids life skills, or they do not teach them enough. Life skills can help students in the long run, and as they are starting a new part of their life and becoming more independent.

1 point

Go fund me should not be banned because it can help people in many ways. It can help people struggling financially, in ways like medical bills, or if they are in a bad chapter of their life. The majority of causes on go fund me are legit.

1 point

Go fund me should not be banned because it can help people in many ways. It can help people struggling financially, in ways like medical bills, or if they are in a bad chapter of their life. The majority of causes on go fund me are legit.

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