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Bleeseberg's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Bleeseberg's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

There are so many kids whose parents work so much they don't have time to teach their kids these life skills. Having a life skills class gives everyone the opportunity to learn these skills even if they have sucky parents who have failed at parenting.

1 point

I think there should be a life skills class in high school. Many students may not have someone that can teach them how to fill out taxes, or even write a check. This class doesn't need to be required but it should be offered to everyone. It's a great way to make students prepare for their life after high school. It is one class you may actually learn something from.

1 point

I think Go Fund Me should not be banned. It has helped so many families and people who are struggling with medical bills, or just need some support. You shouldn't ban Go Fund Me, because it takes away one of the many ways you can ask for help from friends and family.

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