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This personal waterfall shows you all of Lilyissocool's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Yes, I absolutely agree that life skills should be self taught in some instances by the own student’s initiative. However, if you were never taught how to walk, you’d simply crawl around in your own urine and feces like a stinky little monkey. I may be stupid, but I don’t want to wander into the real adult life as a dumb little poop ape.

1 point

Yes absolutely, because people are very very stupid. Many parents do not even have any idea of all of the financial, career, and life opportunities that are or have been available to them. I am stupid, and cannot do taxes. This is something that many people would have to learn in a class, instead of parents, legal guardians, or adults just spewing crap into the void and hoping they hit a toilet somewhere. I don’t wish to go to federal prison just because I am not very clever and have minimal life skills. There will be other reasons, if the day were to ever come. Going to prison over forgetting a 0 in my tax files would be so embarrassing.

1 point

Not only do people lie, but donators and people who spread the pages around often have no idea who the money is going to. GoFundMe takes around 3.0% of each donation by itself without adding any manual human behavior. Many parents and people will manipulate others into donating money for their dogs, children, etc. GoFundMe pages are also easily lost for those who do need it, as the most elaborate descriptions and titles easily make their way to the top. If a family, person, or animal is in need, it is easier and more honest to donate directly to the one in need.

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