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Isaac_Hamann's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Isaac_Hamann's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Even if there are people that lie about their Go fund me page, nobody is forced to donate to them. Where it does affect the actual people that are in need by taking it away.

1 point

I don't think GoFundMe should be banned. It has helped many families in need when they are unable to support themselves after a life crisis. By taking it away a family could potentially lose everything because they could not pay for a hospital bill or a funeral after a tragic incident happened.

1 point

A life skills class would help tremendously with a person's future. Not everyone has the resources at home to learn how to do certain life skills. Let's say nobody taught a kid how to do laundry. It is a necessity to be able to clean your clothes. Cleaning dishes is another one, if someone doesn't ever learn how to do these things they could struggle in life.

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