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This personal waterfall shows you all of Caseymv's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Cheerleading would not be a dangerous sport with proper training. With this training, incidences of dropping/falling are unlikely. Many "injuries" that are caused in the sport are very mild, anyway.

1 point

I do not think textbooks should be provided for free. It is a lot of work on the institute's part to collect the correct number and type of books for each class it offers. The money the college uses to buy textbooks would most likely come in a form of higher tuition costs, anyway. Students are able to find books for fairly cheap through various websites.

1 point

Although there may be no connection between vaccines and autism, there are still other side effects that people may want to avoid.

1 point

I think the age to be able to rent a hotel room should be 18. If you are old enough to move out and be a legal adult, you should be able to get a hotel room.

1 point

Parenting classes should not be required in order for parents to have a child. First, who is going to enforce this rule and how is this person going to enforce it? It is not logical. Second, how would these classes be funded? It is not right to have tax payers pay to teach people how to be good parents. Also, many parents have different ideas when it comes to parenting. A class would only teach certain ways. It is also not fair to parents if they have to pay to attend these classes. It is a waste of time and money for most parents that do not need to be taught how to care for children.

1 point

Vaccines should not be required for a few important reasons. Some people don't get vaccines because of potential negative side affects. Studies have shown links between vaccines and autism. Vaccines may also cause the disease that it is suppose to be preventing due to the antigens in them. Vaccinations consist chemicals, metals, and lab grown antigens that some people do not want in their bodies.

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