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Bryce_Cooper's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Bryce_Cooper's arguments, looking across every debate.

he could be harmful to many people including "rocket man". thus causing people to die

People become brain dead from a phone. that makes them pretty socially awkward

GMOs can be very harmful to people. thus causing them to die

Yes, someone can be thrown in the air and then dropped. thus causing them to possibly die.

The death penalty costs way to much money to perform. It's cheaper to keep someone in prison than to kill them. all of that money could go to schooling and help keep those people out of prison.

If school started later in the day, it would cause school to go later in the day or later in the year. If it did start later in the morning and go to the same time, then we would get less school time and be dumber.

Everyone has the freedom to say what they think. Telling someone that they aren't allowed to do something and say what they think is against the constitution itself. Many people probably don't like the U.S. and they have the right to say and show that.

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