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Rsutherland's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Rsutherland's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

No, school should not start later. The only reason people want it to start later is because they don't get enough sleep. And they don't get enough sleep because they choose to go to sleep late. So, it's their problem. Plus, that would push back sports, making them go later. Which also effects people with jobs.

1 point

I think it is worth taking college classes in high school because it saves you money. Even if it only saves you a couple hundred bucks, it's better then nothing.

1 point

I do not believe that vaccines should be required. I believe this because not everyone has health insurance or the money to pay for it. Another reason is because some people could be allergic to the vaccine required, causing an allergic reaction which could get really bad. People could also not even want the vaccine because the chance of getting some of the illnesses and stuff is probably really low. So why get it if the odds of getting it are low?

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