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Elliemiron's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Elliemiron's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

No because many people like free time later in the day, and if school went longer, then we would also get home much later.

1 point

Prison is a great opportunity to reform who you are. If you just kill the prisoner, then they lose that opportunity.

1 point

Everyone knows about his tweets, and he gets his point across, so I think that they are good.

1 point

People should not be forced to inject things into their body that they don't want. If vaccines were required, then how would hospitals enforce this rule? With the freedom to choose to be vaccinated or not, people have more control. If someone wants to be protected from an illness with a vaccine, by all means do it. But if someone wants to fight off the disease naturally, and not have any side effects of the injection, then that should be their choice.

1 point

People should not be forced to inject things into their body that they don't want. If vaccines were required, then how would hospitals enforce this rule? With the freedom to choose to be vaccinated or not, people have more control. If someone wants to be protected from an illness with a vaccine, by all means do it. But if someone wants to fight off the disease naturally, and not have any side effects of the injection, then that should be their choice.

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