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Kirstan16's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Kirstan16's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

But how many people have been killed because of someone else not getting a vaccine. People are not purposely refusing a vaccine to penalize you, whereas someone who blows smoke in your face is doing it just to be annoying.

1 point

She didn't get dropped. We were doing a full extension pyramid and Claire made her lift Allie up way too many times without any breaks

1 point

Actually, this last time Emma landed on her, which is how she got her concussion

1 point

Yes. I mean Richelle has had three concussions this season, Cami did something to her rotater cuff, and the girls are constantly being thrown in the air and caught.

1 point

People 18 and older should be able to rent hotel rooms because they are considered adults. There are ways to prevent underage drinking if that's what the owner is worried about, such as checking the room key to see if they are in a room that doesn't allow drinking.

1 point

College classes are worth it. You are able to learn the same materials for free, which saves people a lot of money. You are also able to ask teachers out of school about questions, and they will take time to explain it to you rather than professors in a class of 200 people.

1 point

Vaccines should not be required. A person should be able to choose what they put in their body; in fact, the National Vaccine Information Center says that we have the right to know what is going into our body and the freedom to chose. If a person can choose whether or not to put metal in their body, such as a piercing, they should be able to chose if they want weakened diseases introduced into their body.

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