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HenryFitz's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of HenryFitz's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Yea, that would be incredible. Do you know how much better my life would be if i could sleep in. That would be sweet.

1 point

That is bad but by doing this it violates church and state. You can not violate the first amendment.

1 point

So what makes a sport a sport is whether or not they can die?????

1 point

Sorry about her cup. That's a real bad deal. Don't drop them and they will not get hurt.

1 point

Yes, it saves money. Saving money is very good. Therefore it is worth it to take the classes.

1 point

Should murder be allowed, no? Then neither should the death penalty bud.

1 point

There should be no taxes on churches because it violates church and state. In the first amendment of the constitution it clearly says that church and state should stay separate. If churches have to pay taxes then they are not staying separate from state. This violates the first amendment and therefore it should remain tax exempt.

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